For Early Career and Students in Live Entertainment

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Updates, Updating, 2nd COVID Year, Call for Submissions

To begin on a personal note, I have changed career fields for the most part, and only engage in pick-up work with my IATSE local on occasion. This means that the rare updates will likely become rarer, but also explains why the updates have been so rare.

Speaking of, I have started the daunting, long, and arduous process of updating links. I’m going to switch to the calendar for the rest of the day, probably, but intend to do a bunch of link checking. I do know that a lot of Audition and “Work For Us” links are currently going to 404s. I am also aware that links to those pages on some sites have been taken down. This is largely due to how hard the industry has been hit by the pandemic. For all the resources I list on this site, I encourage you to do your own research. This is a jumping off point and not a completely encyclopedic resource for all the possibilities in the industry.

Regarding this second year of the pandemic: I encourage you to wear your masks, get vaccinated if able (I know people who are not able to do so, usually for medical reasons), and be kind to one another without judgement. Just like the Black Death, 20th century influenza pandemic, and other pandemics through history, we will pull through with sobriety and rationality. The show must go on.

Finally, a call for submissions! I usually do this, but I am asking for your help once again in making this resource better for all job seekers. If you have resources that have made finding a summer job or post-graduation job easier, please let me know by using the contact form or replying on Facebook. The contact form will be faster, as I check Facebook maybe once a week now.

Brandon Pisani